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Why There’s No Prescription Sex Pill For Women

Sad_Mature_Woman_in_Bed_No_SexI’m no Jim Cramer (Booya to You!), but you don’t have to be a stock jock to figure the first company that successfully markets a prescription sex pill for women is gonna do well.

A female viagra would do wonders for the estimated 43% of women just going through the motions.

And with that kind of demand, it’s just a matter of time til we get a sex pill that works.

That’s the theory, anyway, but so far we’ve had nothing but blanks.

Men now have multiple prescription ED pills, from Viagra to Cialis.

Yet in the 16 years since the little blue pill first hit the market, we’ve yet to find a prescription sex pill for the fair sex that actually works.

So what gives? Well, the female sex drive ain’t quite so simple.

A variety of factors influence female sex drive and desire, from relationship satisfaction and medical history to the intertwined nature of the physical and psychological sides of sexual attraction.

It’s hard to make a pill that checks each of those boxes.

But some companies are trying, and you can always use a natural libido pill as a natural alternative.

No Luck So Far

They’re trying, but they’re not there just yet.

The FDA has turned down many attempts to market a prescription libido supplement for women over the past decade.

Ten years ago, Procter & Gamble sought the FDA’s clearance to market Intrinsa – a testosterone patch for women with low sex drive after removal of their ovaries.

More recently, a testosterone gel, LibiGel, attempted to help women take passion back but it was no more effective than a placebo.

And many health experts – even critics – say the FDA has made the right call turning down every ‘little pink’ drug so far, be it a testosterone gel or prescription sex pill.

Women can orgasm at least four different ways, for example, a contrast with the single, often visually driven male climax.

The Endocrine Society says testosterone gel should only be prescribed for women distressed by their lack of interest in sex – a condition called hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD).

It should not be prescribed to women who do not have the disorder because testosterone therapy is linked to changes in cholesterol, acne and abnormal hair growth.

The Society says the long-term effects of testosterone gels on women are unknown.

Companies have tried other formats too.

Just recently, a South Carolina-based company, Sprout Pharmaceuticals, asked the FDA to approve Flibanserin – a pill originally designed as an antidepressant.

The potential sex pill was barely more effective than a placebo in clinical trials.

The FDA rejeced Flibanserin, though Sprout plans to resubmit it in early 2015.

Claims of Sexism

The FDA’s pattern of refusal to approve a female sex pill raises another issue.

Some claim sexism. If men have many ED pills, why do women not have at least one to choose from as well?

At issue is whether the FDA holds approval of a female sex pill to higher standards than those for men.

Sprout Pharmaceuticals and two other companies are putting their clout behind a women’s sexual equality site called Even the Score.

The site is petitioning the FDA to work ‘fairly and urgently’ to find a solution for women who need a prescription sex drug.

As of mid-October 2014, the petition has over 16,000 signatures, urging the FDA to make a female sex drug one of its top priorities.

They note too, that men outscore women 26-0 for FDA-approved sexual dysfunction medications.

Thinking_Mature_WomanStill, some powerful organizations stand by the FDA.

Both the National Women’s Health Network and the American Medical Women’s Association support the FDA’s slow-footed approach.

There’s nothing sexist about testing a drug for safety and efficacy, they say, and if that means we still don’t have a little pink pill, that’s a small price to pay.

What Would a Female Sex Pill Do?

Further complicating the issue is complex nature of the female sex drive.

Sexual response for women goes beyond just desire.

It’s arousal and satisfaction too.

Women can orgasm at least many different ways, for example, a contrast with the single, often visually driven male climax.

This makes it hard to measure female sexual response – if it’s possible to do at all.

For example, it’s hard to distinguish between the physiological and psychological causes of desire that contribute to the female experience.

A woman might not be happy with her partner – that’s psychological – which could affect her arousal.

Yet if the same woman got a new sex partner, her physiology might change.

Challenges like this make it difficult to make a generic sex pill for women.

Other factors are at play as well.

A woman’s culture, medical history, previous relationships and experiences with violence among others can all affect the female sexual response.

There’s no sex pill for that – and it’s a further argument against the FDA having a gender bias as well.

Finally, some experts take issue with the methodology of how sexual satisfaction is measured.

Just counting how many times a woman has sex does not give an accurate reading because women can have sex without desire.

But if you increase their gratifying sexual encounters by just one each month, that alone can make a difference.

Try a Natural Enhancement Gel Or Libido Pill

Women who need a solution now might opt for a natural enhancement gel or a libido pill.

The former provides instant lubrication and reduces dry sex.

And a libido pill is a natural supplement that helps women gently reshift changing hormones that can affect sex drive with time.

Neither is a generic solution for low satisfaction in women.

But they’re a jumpstart for many women, especially those who want relief quickly and with natural ingredients like shea butter, ginkgo biloba and herbals, botanicals and nutrients known to benefit the female biology.

Natural gels for women include:

HerSolution Gel – The product you may have seen on the TV show, The Doctors, in which each woman in a very lucky audience received a free bottle.

Lucky them – HerSolution Gel is a water-based natural lubricant that starts an erotic cycle of desire and fulfillment, without the often harmful chemicals found in many drugstore lubricants.


Vigorelle – Another favorite, Vigorelle is a doctor-approved natural gel for women with an exceptionally high satisfaction rate.

Over 98% of Vigorelle clients say they’d buy it again.

Or if you’re interested in a natural libido pill for more long-term sexual enjoyment, try:

HerSolution_Natural_Sex_PillsHerSolution Pills – A good complement to HerSolution Gel, buy HerSolution Pills for the ability to want sex and enjoy it sporadically, whenever you like.

While it’s not a prescription sex pill and won’t help all women, it’s a natural supplement with good reviews.

Provestra – Like HerSolution, Provestra is a natural sex pill formulated to help desire and ability to climax.

You’ll find some of the best sexual nutrients for women here, including damiana leaf and ginger root.

There’s a little black cohosh root here too, which appears to help women with menopause symptoms.

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